Ledger Nano S Buy now bannerLedger Nano S Buy now banner
Cryptocurrencies Supported

5000+ coins

Multi-blockchain NFTs

Ethereum and Polygon NFTs

50+ Third Party Wallets Support

Ledger Nano S Plus Security

Secure Element chip

Certified Secure Element (CC EAL5+)

24-word Secret Recovery Phrase

Pin Protection

Ledger Nano S Features

OLED Screen

Screen Display 128x64 px

USB-C Connection

No Charging Required

Ledger Live Features

Ethereum and Polygon NFTs

500+ coins

Use your favorite Dapps

15+ Web3 Apps Including 1inch, Paraswap, Lido and more

Ledger Live Compatibility

Windows 10+

macOS 12+

Ubuntu LTS 20.04+

Android 9+

Bitcoin Bonus

Purchase directly from Ledger from the link above and receive a $10 Bitcoin bonus with your ledger purchase.

Ledger Nano S
Ledger Nano S

The Ledger Nano S Plus is an excellent choice for those looking to safeguard their cryptocurrency without breaking the bank. Not only does it offer top-notch security, but it also boasts a range of additional features that make it a standout option. With the Ledger Nano S Plus, you can have peace of mind knowing that your digital assets are well-protected. Its affordability combined with its impressive capabilities make it a must-have for anyone seeking a cost-effective yet reliable solution for storing and managing their cryptocurrency.